
COVID Announcement : DECEMBER 2020

Dear Fellow Parishioners

On Monday evening our President announced increased Level 3 lockdown measures including the full closure of Churches until further notice. We will be complying with the law and the church precinct will be closed until further notice.

Only funerals will be allowed in keeping with the strictest observance of COVID-19 protocols.

Thank you for the support and love you have shown our church throughout this year.  Christmas services were bright with the Christmas message and the joy of sharing together in public worship but staying safe and considering each other’s safety needs continue to be the priority.

We all have experienced some level of COVID-19 fatigue, but we are asked to stay the course, intensify our efforts and flatten the curve once more.

It has been a year of emotional vulnerability, many struggling with isolation, depression, and loneliness. 

Despite the church being closed for in-person services, we remain a parish community and Ministry support team is available online. We urge you to reach out by phone / WhatsApp / Zoom to connect with, talk to and share ministry with other members of St Michael’s. Please contact the office or the ministry staff if you need pastoral care throughout this time.  

We continue to pray for all members of our parish, for all those suffering from the virus and for our Health Workers who care for the sick under extremely stressful conditions.

Please check the website for updates ( Our online services will continue and will be available every Sunday morning at 07h00. Please check out our Facebook and Instagram pages too.

Our very best wishes for 2021.

We appreciate your continued support.

Thank you. 

May the Lord bless you and keep you and your family safe.

Best Wishes from the Wardens

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”. Colossians 3:17


Wholeheartedness, courage and vulnerability mean that we include it all. Pushing them away and rejecting or denying them does not let us grow. The blessedness of our brokenness and weakness lies not in “fixing” but in understanding, welcoming and, in God’s own way, transforming. I hope these blessing prayers will provide some solace and hope for you as they did to their authors. You can find them here.