
KZN Flood Appeal - THANK YOU

Thank you to all who gave so generously to the KZN Flood Relief appeal. On Monday 6 June the Gift of the Givers collected 55 boxes containing the following

  • 2nd hand clothing (children 12 boxes, women 19 boxes and men 7 boxes)

  • Stationary (2 boxes)

  • Bedding (6 boxes)

  • Toiletries (2 boxes)

  • Groceries (3 boxes)

  • Plastic ware & miscellaneous (4 boxes)

Thank you to the people that came and sorted everything into boxes, labelled and sealed them ready for collection. We also collected R12 500, which has been sent to HOPE Africa for distribution in KZN.

KZN Disaster Appeal

The “Sisters of Dorcas” group have organised boxes where various items can be dropped of at St Michael’s and will be delivered to KZN by the Gift of the Givers. Items such as school stationery, blankets and bed linen, canned / non-perishable food, toiletries.

Lent Knitting Project

Lent Knitting Project

During Lent 2022 a number of people knitted blankets, jerseys, scarves, beanies and gloves for those less fortunate. On Sunday 24 April these were on display in the church, and the “Sisters of Dorcas” distributed them to various places. THANK YOU to all who knitted or supplied wool.